mengamati dan menganalisa bahasa Inggris
- mengamati: observe; observed; observing; peer; peered;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- menganalisa: analyse; analysing; analysis; analyze; analyzed
- mengamati dan melihat: looked and saw
- mengamati: observe; observed; observing; peer; peered; peering; viewing; watch; watched; remark; read out; find; follow; keep an eye on; lay eyes on; take note; identify; mention; scan; search; look on; study;
- mengamati -: fasten eyes on
- menganalisa jiwa: psychoanalyze; psychoanalyzed; psychoanalyzing
- mengamati secara seksama: keep a close watch on; keeping a close watch on; kept a close watch on
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with; and then; together with; as well as; also; to; in order to; in addition to; so that; with
- adil dan: be just and
- atau dan: or and
- berdaun dan: bald
- dan (israel): dan (ancient city)
- dan [tentang: and of
- dan atau: and or